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getContent() - Method in class englishlanguage.Article
getContent() - Method in class englishlanguage.Noun
getContent() - Method in class englishlanguage.Preposition
getContent() - Method in class englishlanguage.Verb
This method returns the content of the verb.
getContent() - Method in interface englishlanguage.Word
getContent() - Method in interface files.ParseableFile
getContent() - Method in class files.PdfFile
This method returns the content of the pdf.
getContent() - Method in class files.TxtFile
This method returns the content of the txt.
getRandom() - Static method in class englishlanguage.services.AdjectiveService
Gets a random adjective from the adjective dataset.
getRandom() - Static method in class englishlanguage.services.ArticleService
Gets a random article from the commonArticles Set.
getRandom() - Static method in class englishlanguage.services.NounService
Gets a random noun based on a dataset.
getRandom() - Static method in class englishlanguage.services.PrepositionService
Gets a random preposition from the commonPrepositions HashSet.
getRandom() - Static method in class englishlanguage.services.VerbService
Gets a random verb based on the most common verbs of the english language.
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